As we prepare to transition into the fall. And our busy travel schedules pick up because of the holidays. Better yet our friends decide to get married on a private island out of the country, we can still take care of our skin. That is why I am sharing these Traveling Skincare Products to pack.

Most skincare brands have travel-sized products. These travel-size products ensure your wait in those long TSA lines won’t be embarrassing. And won’t result in your favorite products being discarded because they don’t meet the volume requirements for liquids.

Just remember the air at 30,000 feet is different than what we are exposed to on the ground. Therefore you need to have the following with you, in a carry-on bag, while you travel

Make-up Remover Wipes

Traveling out of the country? Do you have an overnight flight?

You will still need to remove your make-up while you travel. But don’t worry. Neutrogena has single-use towelettes that you can purchase and easily store in your purse or carry-on bag.


This topical product helps prevent sunburn from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. You can purchase sunscreen in the forms of a lotion, spray or gel.

Heres’s a tip: You should limit your time out in the sun (under 10 minutes) but for those longer periods you definitely need to have on sunscreen. On average, it takes about 20 minutes to get sunburned and this can be prevented simply by purchasing a lotion that has SPF in it.

Gel Eye Masks

You may look weird but to help hydrate your eyes during your flight, you can wear eye masks (or sometimes called patches). In a recent Women’s Health article, Dr. Ellen Marmur, one of the most recognized leaders in the field of dermatology. Stated “Dehydration also makes under-eye circles look worse.”

To help with that I recommend you get gel eye masks. Gel eye masks are so soothing. However, if eye masks aren’t your thing then you can also use an under-eye serum to help with dehydration because of the moisture and cooling sensation. Lastly, make sure you are drinking plenty of water while you travel.

Facial Mist

That two-hour flight may have gone by quick, but your face needs to be refreshed and facial mists do just that. Facial mists help refresh and renew your skin. And there are tons of fragrances that you can choose from made with natural ingredients. These are great to use especially if you have to go from the plane straight to the board room for a meeting. And you don’t have time to check-in to your hotel just yet.

Lip Balm

Some lip balms have SPF 30 in them which are an extra bonus to have for your travel skincare products. The skin on your lips are thinner than the skin on your face. That is why lip balms keep the skin on your lips moisturized and you definitely don’t want to leave the plane with chapped lips. That’s not cute. You can also apply lip balm before you apply your lipstick to help your lips stay moisturized throughout the day. A little tid-bit I recently learned is that because of the ingredients in lip balm, you can use it as under-eye cream as well.

Protecting your skin while you travel is important and easy to do with all of these products listed. In addition to using these products, you should also drink plenty of water. Also, don’t forget to walk around more to keep your body active and increase your blood flow. If you are a window seater, make sure that you close the shades so that your skin isn’t directly exposed to the sun. Especially when you are over 30,000 feet in the air. That all the skincare products to use while you travel.

If you enjoyed these Traveling Skincare Products options keep up with Felicia,  on her blog here, and more beauty posts, here.

Traveling Skincare Products

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