4 Tips For The Plus Size Traveler

It’s Plus Size Sunday and today I am sharing some quick Travel Tips For Plus Size Women, let’s dive in ;)
I’m fresh off of my vacation from Jamaica! I honestly did not want to leave paradise, aka Montego Bay, or the royal accommodations the all-inclusive resort provided to us. At one point, a few days into my vacation, my travel crew and I had lengthy deliberations about running away and staying on the island. Unfortunately, none of our makeshift ideas panned out. I may sound a little dramatic in this plan, but when you are enjoying paradise, going back to the typical day to day routine feels like the ghettoish shh.. ever!
I am new to traveling abroad. I used my passport for the first time just three years ago. Travel, especially travel abroad, is now such an essential component of my life (Obviously, since I was willing to risk it ALL for another week in the sun.) As many tips as I have for cheaper travel, I recognized that traveling while plus size has its own set of unique challenges. What better way to re-live my vacation and help a fellow plus cutie than to share my secrets to traveling while Plus Size? So here I am sharing the 4 Tips For The Plus Size Traveler.

Problem: Seat Extenders vs. Double Seats
If you have wide hips or are on the larger size of plus, flying has given you concern on more than one occasion. I know it’s an issue for me. My hips spread, causing them to overlap on seats. I usually fly with family, which has saved me from buying double seats because I use their extra room. However, on occasions where I fly alone, I’m already anxious about who will sit beside me.
I will never forget the time my plane mate walked up to our seat, took one look at my full-frame, and rolled their eyes. My plus size body annoyed them, and at that moment, I felt so small. Society can be so snarky and rude to us with bigger bodies and “ain’t nobody got time” to explain to a stranger why you deserve respect and an extra few inches of their seat. Like, Dawg, I’m soft AF why are you acting like you don’t like pillow softness? insert eye roll
1.Fly at nontraditional times. Typically the first flights or last flights have the fewest amount of passengers. This can help with finding a solo seat if they’re available.
2. Invest in your own seat extender, here’s a cheap option. This eliminates having to ask for one or feeling humiliated if someone calls you out about needing one.
3. Additionally, if you are traveling for more than two hours, investing in an additional seat may save you a lot of discomfort and headache. Unfortunately, until our society recognizes bigger bodies, these are the three main options.
*Cue Whitney Huston’s “It’s Not Right, But It’s Ok”*

Problem: Cute Shoes vs. Travel Shoes
When you travel, one of the best parts is learning the culture, famous places, and vibes as a tourist. You booked this vacation for a reason, right? With sightseeing and merely getting through the airport, you most likely will walk more than you typically do. Before my Jamaica trip, I averaged 7K steps daily. Each day in Jamaica, I hit well over 12K steps. Simply enjoying my time and the island activities, I moved more, causing havoc on my feet.
Solution: Here’s the number 2 tip on the 4 tips for the plus-size traveler. Ditch the cute shoes, Sis! As I type this, a little bit of my inner fashionista is dying! I hear your outrage already, and I know you got looks, ready to slay, with Instagram catching all the angles! But do it anyway! Trust me, you will thank me later. Bring one cute pair of interchangeable flats for your fashion pictures. But make sure you pack good, solid, cushion filled, arch relieving shoes. My feet ached for days after getting back, those cute shoes I packed did nothing for me, and my poor feet hate me. “Tiff did that, so hopefully you won’t have to go through that.”
Problem: Travel destinations may NOT have YOUR essentials readily available
Keep in mind every culture is different. Whereas some places welcome bigger bodies with open arms, others don’t cater to us at all. Meaning, the things you need for survival may be tough to find. Items as simple as replaceable bra straps, chub rub relief, or quick bikini bottom may be tough to find.
Solution: Come prepared and pack the essentials in your carry-on! With all the walking you’ll do, the inevitable chub rub (painful inner thigh chafing) will appear. I’d suggest bringing a thigh cream or relief with you. Towels at hotels are never, ever, even close to big enough. I’m lucky if a hotel issued towel covers half of my body. I pack my own to give me comfort and ease. Lastly, pack replacement accessories you may need, such as bra straps and belts, along with one outfit in case your luggage is lost. You may not have a store that you can walk into to find these necessary items. Researching the area and checking out how many plus-size stores are close to the city, you will spend the majority of your time will help in case of last-minute needs.

Problem: Confidence
I have noticed that every area I travel to, I’m met with an overwhelming amount of attention. Sometimes positive, sometimes not so much. In Mexico, they loved the kid! I was complimented a LOT, and the locals looked like me, so I was embraced. While visiting Miami, where the average local is a smaller size, I received icy stares. All of which can be overwhelming if your confidence is wavering. As comfortable as I am with my body and showcasing my fashion, it’s different when you’re the ONLY fly plus-size cutie, and people are being rude.
Solution: Do NOT let your size limit you from seeing the world, Sis. You deserve it! If others are mad about you living your best life, Let. Them. Be. Mad! How they feel about you is none of your business, and focusing on all the beautiful things about your trip should be your only focus.
I sincerely hope these 4 Tips For The Plus Size Traveler help you on your next vacation getaway. Have any additional tips you want to share with the community? Post them below!
Until Next Time…
Tiffany Beautiffullyme Smith
Keep up with Tiffany on her blog here. And if you enjoyed these amazing tips for the plus-size traveler check out the
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