Thick & Fit at the same damn time
We gotta talk about being thick and fit, ladies. It’s such a controversial topic because now-a-days the “in” thing to be is THICK. The majority of women, including myself, will get super hyped up when we see a little more booty poking out in our yoga pants. Nothing makes you more proud to have to jump up and down to get into a pair of jeans. When the booty is round and the tummy is down, you’re winning, Right?
Contrary to popular belief, you can still be thick while being fit. You just have to operate in doing the correct weight bearing exercises. There are signature movements that will allow you to build your curves. Heavy weights are our friend! Squats, lunges, hip abductions, deadlifts, hamstring curls, step ups, and more will get that lower body standing like a stallion.
But please remember, don’t neglect your abs. Do those crunches, sit ups, flutter kicks, planks, scissor legs to keep the cuts in your gut. Also eating the right foods will help you win in this department. Protein helps the recovery of your muscles and builds them into that thick, plump brick.
And No! Your body will not be “rock hard” and solid. You’ll still have a jiggle and wiggle with the muscle you work to put on. Our favorite example is Miss Brick House, Serena Williams. She’s the perfect combination of THICK & FIT.
In all, you don’t have to choose between being thick or fit. You can be both! Click Here for your thick fit workouts.