The Best Tips For Working Out While On Vacation

You’re that person. The one who loves to workout. The gym rat. And you are ready for that vacation. Let’s talk about Tips For Working Out While On Vacation. That trip you have been looking forward to.  You are ready to travel and then the fear hits you. And your mind is filled with the same question.

How do I keep up with my workout while I’m on vacation?

If this sounds familiar you should not feel alone. This is something that I myself struggle with. It’s hard for me to work out while I am at home but even harder for me to continue working-out while on vacation or traveling.  Have no fear Here are a few tips on how to do it, well my tips for working out while on vacation

Stick to your schedule.

Working-out while on vacation starts with one thing and that is sticking to your schedule no matter what. If running is your thing and you know that back home, you usually wake up at 5 am to run. Then do it. Don’t let go of your schedule just because you are on vacation. If it is important to you then continue to make the time for it.  That means sleeping at a good time so that you can wake up on time to keep your routine.

Book a hotel with a gym and use it. 

I believe that most hotels nowadays have a gym in them. The gym is not just for show or to make you feel good about yourself. But they are functioning gyms that you can use to stick to your workout routine. 

If you want to keep working out while on vacation then the hotel gym is your go to place.It is there for a reason and you are paying good money to be at this hotel. So, do yourself a favor and use the gym.

Use the great outdoors. 

I don’t run and I don’t like going to the gym. But I do enjoy daily walks as my workouts. Everyday, I would walk for about 45 to 1-hour. I even brought a watch that can calculate the miles and steps that I take. I mean the watch does do other things like calculate different exercises but that is not me. 

Anyways, depending on where I go on vacation. I would keep my walking schedule and go outside for my walks. When I was in Scotland, I would wake up early and go walk and enjoy the cool mountain air. But the point is using the outdoors to run or walk or even work out. You have the tools to ensure that your routines are not broken. 

When in Rome…

You know that saying “when in Rome do as the Romans do.” Well this is the saying I want you to keep in mind when you are traveling or on vacation. If there is a particular exercise that people in the country, you’re visiting like to do. Join them. If there is a place that the locals like to work out in, go to that place and work out there with them.

Here’s an example. When I use to live in Taiwan the in thing that the locals like doing was hiking and biking. And you bet I was hiking and biking right alongside them every chance I got. When I go to New York which I surprisingly visit very often. I go to central park and run with the locals in the morning. When I am at home one thing that the locals like to do in sunrise Florida is go to sawgrass mall and walk the mall in the morning for exercise. You guessed it my butt would wake up and go walk the mall before it opens with my peoples. 

Plan a no equipment exercise routine.

You are ready to stick to that schedule, but the hotel does not have a gym and safety is an issue if you go outside. Then remember if you want to succeed in anything you need to plan for it. And if you want to succeed in working out while on vacation you need to plan. That means even before you leave your house for that adventure you need to have a plan to make sure that your workout is a priority. 

I recommended that you jot down a few workouts that don’t need equipment that you can do anywhere. All you need is 4/5 exercises, 12 reps, 3 sets, with 30-60 seconds of rest and you have yourself a no equipment exercise. But just in case you forgot to jot down your workout. I recommended you use and app like Pinterest. You will have your workouts saved for when you need them.

Add it to your itinerary. 

 I am big on itineraries. They help keep me focus on a trip. I schedule where I am going and when I need to get back to my hotel. This way I don’t do too much, and I am not over tired while on vacation. And the secret is if you want to ensure that you work out during a vacation or while traveling. I suggest you add it to your itinerary.

This way it’s on the schedule. You know when you are going to do it. If you are traveling with other people add it your own personal schedule. If you know everyone is going to breakfast at 9 am. Then you need to wake up at 7:30 am so that you can get your workout on. No one can stop you and it doesn’t interfere with anyone’s schedule. 

The idea is there are multiple ways for you to stick to your workout routine while you are on vacation or traveling. In these modern times they make it very easy. If your serious about exercising, then you will find a way to keep your schedule so that you can work out while having an adventure.

Hope you enjoyed these tips for working out while on vacation

Keep up with Mernelle on her blog here, and more travel posts, here.

I’m Priiincesss

I’m Priiincesss I am a full time Atlanta blogger, mommy, wife, investor, fashion lover, your future Self-Made Millionaire and a total badass. Here you will find everything you need to completely transformed your life. Juicing content to help you lose weight and improve your overall health, money and lifestyle content to help you design your absolute dream life!


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