Tell Me About Yourself Award!

Big thanks to Life With Twins and a Drama Queen for the nomination!
Lovely blog, I really enjoy linking with you for Fun Fridays, thank you!

The rules are simple. Tell 7 things about yourself that would be found interesting. Then send this to 7 bloggers that you nominated. Remember, only participate if you like, it’s all in good fun :)

7 Fun facts about ME!

1. I am absolutely obsess with honey.
2. I am a horrible public speaker.
3. In my head I am and will forever be a princess, lol.
4. I am not close to my family, but I’m working on that.
5. I do not want kids.
6. According to my best friend I can be a total selfish B****
7. I have a bartender license and I make the best margaritas.

I am nominating some of my fav. blogs: check them out! 
1. Shasie of Live Life in Style

2. Marina of Fashion Makeup Lifestyle

3. Miss Dress of So She Writes

4. Bailey of Being Baileyj

5.Tye of Hk Access

6. Megan of The Frugalista Diaries

7. Nikki of Everything Under the Moon

I’m Priiincesss

I’m Priiincesss I am a full time Atlanta blogger, mommy, wife, investor, fashion lover, your future Self-Made Millionaire and a total badass. Here you will find everything you need to completely transformed your life. Juicing content to help you lose weight and improve your overall health, money and lifestyle content to help you design your absolute dream life!


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