Heyyy beauties, welcome back to the blog! I am super excited to share REAL QUICK how to invest more money. Being that right now I am 100% focus on investing in the stock market so let’s focus on that type of investments.


My current favorite saying is I make my money work for ME. 2020 been one hell of a year and it truly forces me to take FULL control of my finances and stop trading time for money. Meaning I have to make my money work for ME. I’m not 100% there but I’m on my way.

I can say I’m almost there because ALL I do is find ways to invest more money. So How to invest more money? Well,’ I decided to invest more money I need to make more money and save more money. So I spent the last 6 months coming up with ways to make more money. And I created 3 NEW streams of income for myself.

What are those streams? I launched my Wealth Squad, I launched my merch line, I invest in high dividend stocks. And I am currently working on 2 more streams. My goal within the next 6 months is to have 7 SOLID streams of PASSIVE income around money and building wealth.

Yes, you can start with what you have, you can continue to invest what you currently have, which is ok, But, if you want to invest MORE money you need to make more money.

So it’s time to bring out your thinking hat and start coming up with ways to make more money. You can side hustle, you can create a merch line like I did, you can Uber, you can sell your expertise by creating courses/ebooks, you can sell used clothes on PoshMark, you can create exclusive content for your audience, you can write a book, you can become a photographer, you can create additional streams from what you are already doing. My point is, find ways to make additional money to INVEST.


Thank youuu sooooo much for stopping by, I truly hope you find this post resourceful and if you are new in investing in the stock market and don’t know where to start I have a full digital shop of ebooks & courses, check it out  HERE. And I recently launched my Wealth Builder Community to help my ladies build wealth. And if you don’t want to be a part of the community but you want to learn how to invest long-term, grab my HOW TO CREATE A LONGTERM INVESTING PORTFOLIO course HERE

And oh, my Black Wealth Shop is officially OPEN!!

Keep up with me on the gram as @iampriiincesss

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