You want to know something I’ve learned over the years? Words are POWERFUL. You can literally speak you ENTIRE life into existence. This year’s self-love is literally me manifesting everything I want this year. Take a look…

Last Valentines Day I wrote a love-letter to myself reminding myself the importance of self-love, I titled the post Loving You is Easy. I’m not gonna hold you, failed relationships and friendships have low-key left me questioning if I’m too difficult to love. And the answer is no, I’m not. I wrote myself that letter to remind myself DAILY I am easy to love, PERIOD.

Well this year, this Valentine’s Day I want to remind myself it’s time to go after every single thing I deserve. Every single thing I have said I wanted. 2020 was nothing short of a roller coaster but 2020 also reminded ALL of us that it’s time to show up for ourselves like never before. It’s time to go after every single thing we have promised ourselves. Let’s face it, we are notorious for making self-promises that we have NO INTENTIONS of keeping to ourselves. Well, this year, is the year we honor our self promises.

Dear Priiincesss, it goes without saying you are fearless, you are consistent and mannnnn you are TOUGH. Well, baby girl, it’s time. You have paid your dues, you have showed up consistently for 10 years straight. You have literally been through hell and back, but you are still standing, and you are thriving. This year you are not hoping and wishing. You are showing up and you are getting every single thing you deserve and every single thing you have promised yourself.

  • You promised yourself UNCONDITIONAL, selfless, supporting, thoughtful, understanding love, so you are getting just that. Your heart is open, you’ve done tons of self work and now it’s time to be ready to receive the love you deserve, prayed for, and promised yourself.
  • You promised yourself FINANCIAL FREEDOM. You are literally buying your time back. You are creating MULTIPLE streams of passive income. You are closing this year not having to answer to not one person, not expected to show up ANYWHERE to make money. You are making every single dollar earned work for YOU.
  • This year you promised yourself your dream car, considered that DONE. Because you did not just master the key of manifesting but you also fully understand the power of preparing for exactly what you say you want.
  • Mostly importantly, you promised yourself the gift of being kind and gently with yourself. You promised to listen to yourself and move accordingly.

Dear Priiincesss, your time is NOW and this year you deserve EVERYTHING!!

tea party tutu skirt


tea party tutu skirt

About the look: When I shot these images back in December I automatically thought these images would be PERFECT for a Valentines’ Day self-love tea party for one post!! I literally searched the ENTIRE internet looking for the PERFECT blue Tea party Tutu Skirt. I actually wanted a short Tea party Tutu Skirt but couldn’t find one, I found this on Amazon. The shirt is from my Black Wealth Shop of course but everything else is also from Amazon and I have listed all the exact links, check them out and grab what you like 😉

  1. Click HERE for the Black Wealth Blue Classic Tee
  2. Click HERE for the Blue Tutu Maxi Skirt
  3. Click HERE for the Tea Party Tea set
  4. Click HERE for the Goddess Gold Crown

This blue classic tee is actually part of our Q1 drop so if you are reading this after March 31st its no longer available for purchase. If you are reading this Before March 31st, grab the shirt HERE!!!

Thank you so much for stopping by and joining my solo tea party!!

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