Let’s Talk: Pants

1 min read

As you can see I am a super shortie so I tend to wear lots of skirts, shorts, dresses and kinda stay away from long pants. They are always wayyyyy too long for me and I’m too cheap/lazy to get them tailor so I just avoid them as much as I can lol. But as I get older/wiser so does my style and I find myself buying and really  getting into those nice well tailored slacks, just the other day I went thrifted and I bough like 3 pairs, which you’ll being seeing a lot of {just a warning}. And these fab. style of pants are just a few that I am currently crushing on.

Photos Credit: Victoriassecret.com 

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I’m Priiincesss

I’m Priiincesss I am a full time Atlanta blogger, mommy, wife, investor, fashion lover, your future Self-Made Millionaire and a total badass. Here you will find everything you need to completely transformed your life. Juicing content to help you lose weight and improve your overall health, money and lifestyle content to help you design your absolute dream life!


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