Healthy Living: This Weeks Meals

Yes, I am still on my Healthy LifeSTYLE and surprisingly I’m doing pretty good!!
As if right now I’m sticking to the things I like.
Such as chicken, sweet potatoes, SPINACH, OMG, I love me some spinach.
I did add broccoli and corn this week and next week I will try some recipes 
It’s four meals for four days because I’ve been VERY lazy and cook on Tuesday instead of Sunday. 
Don’t judge me. I just wanna relax and do lil to nothing on Sundays. 
Gotta have my grapes :)

Thanks for stopping by!!!

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I’m Priiincesss

I’m Priiincesss I am a full time Atlanta blogger, mommy, wife, investor, fashion lover, your future Self-Made Millionaire and a total badass. Here you will find everything you need to completely transformed your life. Juicing content to help you lose weight and improve your overall health, money and lifestyle content to help you design your absolute dream life!


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