5 Amazing Countries That Will Impact Your Life

There is a saying that goes “travel and it will impact your life”. And I have to admit that this saying is truth. Travel has a magical way of turning your world upside down. Believe me, it turned mine around.
Stepping out of your comfort zone and all that you have known will have a tremendous impact on who you are. And these 5 amazing countries are great places to start. They will turn your world upside down like they did mine. Ok, let’ dive into these Amazing Countries That Will Impact Your Life
5 Amazing Countries That Will Impact Your Life
I have never wanted to set foot in France. It wasn’t on my bucket list at all. I honestly did not care to go. Until my friend decided that was her dream. And since I’m a good friend I said okay.
Boy was I surprise. France has a way of making you fall in love with it. The country is beautiful and surreal. The architecture and the art will yank joy deep down from within your heart.
But France tremendous impact on you will be the spark it will ignite in your heart for travel. It will deposit a deep desire to see the rest of this crazy world inside you. It will infect you with that wanderlust bug.
France is like a lover leaving you longing for more. Presenting you with the Parisian life that you did not know you want. Igniting you with passion for the possibilities out in the world.
That’s what France did for me. Fill me with longing and desire for more of the world. And I believe it will do it for you.
Isle of Man
This beautiful island will be a gentle friend you always wanted. It is not too big but its personality is enough. This island I did not know existed took me on a roller coaster ride of tranquility.
It provided me with the time to think about the quiet life. It did not desire anything from me. It just wanted me to show up. The island of Man is the perfect island to teach you what peace actually looks like. And taught me how to slow down.
If you’re looking for that place to slow down and refresh yourself than the Isle of Man is the perfect place to go.
Scotland is one of my favorite places in the UK. The big open space, the annoying bagpipes (trust me they are super annoying after the first 2 minutes), and the amazing history.
The best part about Scotland is that it provides you with the opportunity to breath. That is how it will impact your life.
Stepping off the plan the clean air hits you. The grassy plains and the lush vegetation opens your sinuses up providing you with that refreshing breath.
But one of the best things about Scotland is that it is where JK Rowling got her inspiration for Harry Potter and the whole country feels like it. The nooks and crannies of the city of Edinburgh all hide a bit of that magical world. The countryside makes you feel like a kid in a candy store. You will constantly look over your shoulder half expecting someone to do something magical. And if you get a chance to walk down Diagon Alley the whole time you will be expecting Hagrid to help you buy your first wand.
The beauty of Scotland is that it will entice you with its magic. While giving you an opportunity to breath. You will never be the same.
When you first step foot in England the first thing you realize is that it’s a real country. I know that may sound funny but it’s true. We in the states spend so much time watching English shows that it almost sounds surreal. But actually, seeing English soil brings the country to life.
It’s no longer just the place that Downton Abbey take place in. In my case doctor who (shout out to my Sci-Fi nerds) and is you’re a Sherlock fan then Sherlock.
England will make you feel big. It will impact you by propelling you forward while motivating you to follow your dreams. Being able to set foot on English soil will make you feel like you can do anything. And I believe you can.
So, if you need that push, I suggest England. I mean why not?
Taiwan is a gem in the Asia world. The people are fun to be around and the food is amazing. Taiwan was one of the first foreign countries I lived in. And if you are looking for a second home Taiwan is the place.
This country makes you feel proud to be who you are. It helps you stand out among the crowd and establish yourself and appreciate your difference.
Being the only one of your color for miles In this country provides you with an opportunity to experience the magic of who you are. You are the teacher and they are the students.
I know that Asia is usually not on our list. But as a woman of color with a bachelors in Asian studies, I highly recommend Taiwan as the place to go to learn that self-love. You will not be disappointed.
Keep up with Mernelle on her blog here, and more travel posts, here.