For Better Or Worse: Talking About Money Before Saying I Do.
Though love may be for better or worse, your finances don’t have to be.
Quite often couples fail to discuss finances and credit management early on. This is quite shocking given that a large percentage of marriages and relationships end as a result of money problems.
It’s actually vital to discuss finances early in the relationship to help prevent bumps in the road later on down the line. That is why today I am encouraging you to take the time talking about money before saying I do. Educating yourself on how to handle finances while in a relationship is a key factor to longevity and healthy finances.
During the courting state and before you get married, you and your spouse should sit down and discuss all the various aspects of your financial life. Here are a few things you can discuss with your partner regarding finances:
Financial Questions To Ask Your Partner:
1. Can we discuss our credit reports and scores?
2. Can we discuss financial goals?
3. How do you feel about budgeting?
4. What are your spending patterns?
5. Do you have any past due and outstanding debts?
6. Who do you think should manage the bills?
7. What do you think about joint and separate accounts?
8. What are your feelings when it comes to money?
9. Do you feel that we should speak with a Consumer Credit Counselor for pre-financial guidance?
10. How would you feel if I made more money?
Like I said, most relationships end with money. By talking with your partner beforehand you can find common ground and end some problems before they start. You know what they say….
failing to plan is planning to fail.
No need to fight with each other over money when you can be focused on how to make more, TOGETHER!!! Taking the time talking about money before saying I do. Will take your relationship far. Now that you are empowered with additional information it’s time to take action.
Keep up with Kai on her two blogs here and here. and come back next week for more finance tips.