As I shared last week for the month of January I am working on being more DISCIPLINED, personally AND professionally. And some of the things I’m most focusing on are waking up early, going to bed by no later than midnight, sticking to a trick workout routine, stay on TOP of my eating habits and of course make sure I’m drinking enough water. Disciplined Equals freedom and honestly, Freedom is the ultimate goal.
So how was my first week of being disciplined?? Well, let’s go over each focused are…Â
Wake up time: Well, I did wake up early every single day, but I did stay in bed a little too long and I did hit the snooze button a few times. So this week the goal is to wake up as soon as the alarm goes off, read the scripture of the day, then get out of bed and get ready for my workout..
Workout Routine: I did work out every single day and killed it. So this week I will just rotate my routine and up my weight on everything… Slowly turning into a beast.. #FitBae
Eating: Welllll, I did pretty good ALL week. I ate every 3 hours Monday-Friday, then the weekend showed up and F-up my whole routine. I did have a cheat meal on Saturday and was too busy to really eat on Sunday. But I did pickup my grocery was back it first thing Monday morning…
Bedtime: I did ok with going to bed at exactly midnight, but been having a hard time falling asleep right away. I will continue to go to bed at that time until my body is fully adjusted.
Water: Definitely winning in the water intake departurment. I had over 100 oz of water with lemon each day.
And that my darling is my first full week of being DISCIPLINED!!!!!!!!! week 2 updates will be up this time next week ;)
New Year, New Me >> 2018
As always, thank you sooooo much for hanging with ME, and here’s to bettering ourselves and living our best lives, muahhhh!!
Stay Connected with me on Instagram @iampriiincesss
As I like to say; Be a #BADASS…. Live Well, Work Hard and See the world in Style.