9 Must-Have Travel Essentials When Traveling Abroad

Traveling abroad or out of the country is exciting. But oftentimes we go in blindsided not realizing that our way of life is not universal. That means there are some luxury items that we need to pack with us. So let’s just dive right in. I know you’re eager to pack. Here are 9 must-have essentials when traveling abroad.
Small Power Converter
Phone, tablet, computer, depending on the country you’re going to. You will need to pack a power converter. What is a converter, well as it turns out not every country uses our type outlets. In America, we use two small flat prong plugs. But if you’re traveling to Europe you will need to bring an adapter to help you with their 4 pong plugs. My suggestion to buy a small compact one that you can leave in your travel accessory bag. This way you are always prepared.
Portable Charger
No matter where you are traveling you need to bring a portable charger. Take it from me you do not want to get stuck somewhere without your phone. It happened to me. In the big Apple and I don’t want you to go through this.
If you can I would even suggest you get a spare battery just in case. The power adapter is great but depending on the one you get it might be too bulky and en extra walking weight. But a spare battery is easy to carry and already charge. So you can avoid wires.
Travel Towel
When I first discovered a travel towel I was taken aback. I mean WOW! It is compact and lightweight. Easy to store and dries quickly.
This is a must because some places you go might not have this luxury. Especially if your backpacking. So grab your travel towel and store it in a place you know you can find.
I got mines at Ross and I did see it at other department outlet stores.

This is very important. Medications overseas are different to some extent than ours. As a rule of thumb, I carry three over the counter medication with me.
Pain killers
Diarrhea pills
Allergy medication.
Just to illustrate the importance of having your over the counter medications. I went to Haiti and one of the kids in the neighborhood where I was staying had a fever. And low and behold me and my ibuprofen put a stop to that fast.
So always be ready. You never know what could happen.
Small Mesh Laundry Bag
If you like organization then you need to invest in a small mesh bag. No, it’s not for what you think. It’s to keep your clean and dirty unmentionables from touching and mentioning their smells to other pieces of clothing in Your suitcase. Trust me you don’t want your dirty clothes rubbing with your clean ones.
That’s just nasty.
Copy of Passport
Always and I say always have a backup copy of your passport in multiple locations in your suitcase. This is for your safety. Your passport is your legal document and like all legal documents, you need to have a copy of it.
Remember Sex In The City 2 when they went to Dubai and Carrie lost her passport ( if you don’t remember it’s okay just read the recap story). The gang spent half the time trying to find it. To make matters worse they had to catch a plane. But if she had a backup copy I’m sure she would have been less stress.
So don’t be like Carrie. Keep a backup copy of your passport.
Secret Cash Stash
Not all countries are the same. And safety is always the best practice. So keep a stash of extra secret cash. This is just you being prepared. It doesn’t mean something bad is going to happen but you’re a smart cookie saving just in case.
ATMs are not in every corner in every country. Therefore, you need to have that extra stash of cash in case you inquire an expense and can’t use your card.
My stash consists of American dollars of various amounts. And the local currency of the same. This way I’m ready for an emergency.
Compression Socks
Listen y’all this is a must. I once climbed a mountain with the aid of compressions. Everybody was complaining about their feet hurting. But your girl was good. So get you some compressions socks for those long walks and hikes your about to take.
Yes, they are not fashionable for anyone. Male or female. But if your wearing jeans, long pants of any kind or, sneakers no one will know.
Reusable Water Bottle
This is just a smart thing to carry around with you. Depending on the country you do not want to drink water from, anyone. So carry a reusable water bottle. This way you can get water from trusted sources and be set.
Plus depending on the country they charge an arm and a leg for water. This way no one can overcharge you for water.

This might sound weird but you do need slippers. Yes, slippers are important. In some countries, you might have to use a bathhouse or a washroom or an outhouse. I am not saying that any of those places are bad. By all means, it’s a way of life.
But you will want to wear slippers. Just because it’s a way of life and you’re trying to be one with the natives. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear slippers. Chances are the natives you love so much. They are also wearing slippers and looking at you like your crazy. In Taiwan, it was customary to wear slippers indoors and in the bathroom. Mostly because the bathroom had what was called a wet shower.
In actuality, my apartment there had a wet shower. If you don’t know what a wet shower is. I urge you to look it up. Trust me I had to learn the hard way.
I have yet been to a country where I have to use an outhouse or wet shower where people are not wearing slippers.
There you have it, folks, the 9 must-have essentials when traveling abroad. And all that is left for me to say is Happy Travels!!! Keep up with me the one and only, Mernelle, on my blog here, and more travel posts, here.