8 Reason’s Why Early Morning Flights Are The Best
Flying can be an adventure if you know how to do it correctly. This week we are talking about those early morning flights. You know the ones many people refuse to takes. well, let me tell you, for me early morning flights are the best flights. And that is why I am sharing with you 8 reasons why early morning flights are the best. By the end of this post, you are going to love them.
8 reasons why early morning flights are the best: Fewer People
in the wee hours of the morning, most people are still asleep. and that is when I suggest to you people who don’t necessarily enjoy the company of others catch a flight. You will practically be the only one at the airport. No one will be around to bother you, rub up against you, or any other people related activities.
Besides, you will find that going through TSA is so quick. There are not many people so the long lines are practically nonexistent. With no to short lines, you get through TSA and boarding is easy. The perks are already starting to sound so good.
Traveling To The Aiport Is A BREEZE
The 2nd reason in the 8 reasons why early morning flights are the best is that it is easy to travel to the airport. Yes, it is because people are asleep you get to just breeze through the traffic lights and enjoy the ride. You don’t have to worry about people cutting you off or trying to run you off the road. The ride to the airport ride is easy and smooth. Maybe early morning flights are not as bad as you think.
Better Seats
This perk was something that I did not expect. I’ve always heard the rumors but having lived it was surreal. I once flew to Atlanta, Georgia and your girl had a whole row to herself. Why? well because it was 5:30 in the morning and the flight only had 68 people on it.
It was like heaven. I was like a kid in a candy shop. I sat on all three seats every 30 min. All because I could. It was amazing and something that I recommend at least once in a travelers’ life. That is an awesome perk of an early flight. Being the only one who is there with other morning souls just starting the day early.
People Are Nicer
I am a morning person. You know that person who jumps out of bed and is ready for the day. The one that night owls hate and non-morning people despise. I’m sorry but that’s me. And if you are a morning person chances are you are a people person and you love hanging out with strangers in the morning. Having conversations with them and learning about their lives.
That is why you should take a morning flight. People who fly in the early mornings are morning people and we are super nice. Be prepared to be smiled at, laugh with, and just enjoy the best of humanity. The people in the early morning flights are generally nicer.
Get To You Destination Earlier
Okay, so I am that person who is always ready to be at my destinations. And because I love being at my destinations quicker I love early flights. The earlier my flight the quicker I get to my destination. The more time I get to enjoy the city that I am in. If you are a person who loves having time to spend at your destination then early flights are for you.
It’s Quite
One thing I know is that y’all don’t like people. Better yet I know that some of y’all don’t like being around a lot of people. To be honest I love people but I don’t like being around a lot of them. And if you’re like me then you will enjoy the peace of an early flight. The 6 of the 8 reasons why early morning flights are the best is that you get to enjoy the quiet of a small flight.
Last but not least. The 8th reason in the 8 reasons why early morning flights are the best is that you get to relax. The morning flights are easy and smooth. They don’t take to much out of you. You can take your time getting to the airport. Take your time walking through the airport. Take your time not feeling rushed. It’s a stress-free event. And in this world of stress, we all need something stress-free
Those morning flights are stress less. People are not everywhere and you don’t have that feeling of doom. That feeling of “I need to hurry up because all these people make me feel rushed.” But during those morning flights, you don’t have that feeling and that makes you a more pleasant person.
Keep up with me the one and only, Nelle, on my blog here, and more travel posts, here.
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