HELLO DARLINGS, HAPPY SUNDAY, AND HELLO MARCHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I am soooo excited to kick off this new month and this month we are focusing on CONTENT, CONTENT, AND MORE CONTENT!!!


Some of my ladies STILL struggle with consistency in their business so I decided I’ll spend the entire month of March covering the importance of creating consistent content with my #ConsistentChallenge.

The fact is content is KING. The key to success is consistency and the key to consistency is CONTENT. So in order to be CONSTENTCY, you must be producing ::::::::::::::>>> CONSISTENT QUALITY CONTENT!!!!!

I’ve done many posts on consistency so this month I am just giving you 5 things you must do every single week this month to create consistency in your work life, no excuses.


If you are not currently building an email list or sending out WEEKLY EMAILS, this month I’m challenging you to START. Your subscribers must hear from you EVERY SINGLE WEEK. NO EXCUSES. You can send motivation, promote something, your week in review, life updates, you can even create some type of mini-series. Like I’m doing with My #ConsistentChallange March Madness. And if you don’t know where to start with your email marketing, start with an email marketing platform, I use Flodesk.


Ok, honestly, I’m tired of people saying they want to make money but REFUSE to CONSISTENTLY POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Girlllll, cut it OUT. This month you MUST post at least ONCE a day. Post on whatever platform you spend most of your time on. Connect with your followers, share your work at least 3x per week, ask them questions, promote them, share inspiration, motivation. POST POST POST.


IGTV is a great way to vlog or create easy video content to connect with your followers. This month I’m also challenging you to drop an IGTV VIDEO EVERY SINGLE WEEK. I’m doing March Madness and this week’s video is now up under the #ConsistentChallenge series, HERE.


This one is for my BLOGGERS. Bloggers, please BLOG. And blog CONSISTENTLY. I am challenging you to blog at least ONCE a week this month. And promote the heck out of that ONE blog post.


Yes, stop watching stories and start doing DAILY STORIES. This one is easy, share your day, share behind the scenes. Pretty much drop daily stories of what you do best, which is being YOU.

Again, this month is ALL about producing and sharing CONTENT. So again your #ConsistentChallenge is to send weekly email blasts, post on social media EVERY SINGLE DAY, weekly IGTV videos, and bloggers please BLOG!!! Are you up for a challenge or Nah?


And oh, my @shotsbypriiincesss Branding Hour & Images package is 50% off ALL month!!! Because again, my goal is to help you create consistent quality content!! Grab it HERE and let’s win the month!!!

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