Do you feel it? The slight chill in the air. And don’t forget that cool refreshing breeze. At least that’s how it feels in South Florida. But I know that the rest of the country is experiencing its first annual snowfall. And that means it’s officially winter. If you have not planned your winter vacation now is the time. So here are 5 awesome cities to visit this winter.

Boston, Massachusetts

Boston is a beautiful city. In 2009 it was voted America’s favorite city. Well, that’s what travel and leisure said. Nonetheless, I agree it’s a great city and perfect for that winter travel.

5 Awesome Cities To Visit This Winter

Walking the freedom trail while snow falls all around you is an amazing my experience. Experience the Boston tea party on the snow cover Boston harbor by pretending to throw tea overboard. Lastly, finish it all with a delicious bite at the Quincy market.

Salt Lake City, Utah

If you are looking for snow cap covered mountains. Then Salt lake city, Utah might just be your destination this winter. Salt Lake City is a hidden gem in American travel. And if you are a hiker then don’t hesitate to trek those mountains. Even in the winter the mountains are inviting and welcoming.

New York City, New York

5 Awesome Cities To Visit This Winter

Okay the lights, the people, the buildings, and did I mention the Christmas trees. Yes, those and more are all the things that you will experience in new york city. Making it number 3 of the 5 awesome cities to visit during the winter.

New York City is a great city to visit anyways. But when you add the winter holiday to it you get a whole different experience. You get to ice skate in Central Park and witness a probably 100 ft Christmas tree. Don’t forget the snow and lights that cover the city. If there was a time to visit New York City the wintertime is it.

Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta is one of those cities that is becoming the entertainment capital of America. Have you noticed that everything is now filmed in Atlanta? Well, despite its great entertainment Atlanta is a must-visit for those winter months.

A city that is known for its warmth becomes a winter wonderland during the winter. You may even get to witness snow if the global warming gods allow it. You can do the same things you love doing in Atlanta but add the cool air and breeze. So go to those amazing museums, visit Dr. King’s home, and don’t forget to take a stroll in the Atlanta botanical garden. They will seem way more fun now that its winter.

Best cities to visit- travel tips

Key West Florida

5 Awesome Cities To Visit This Winter

Yes, I added Florida to the list. Key West is part of a series of islands in the state of Florida way down at the tip of the boot. But the good thing about key west is that it doesn’t get cold. Making it perfect as a winter destination. You will not have to stress over finding those winter clothes. No, you can leave the snow at home and the cold, wet weather where it belongs because key west is all about the sun.

There is a reason why Florida is called “the sunshine state.” The sun never stops shining, even when it rains. anyways, grab the family, the sunscreen, and your waterproof phone case and head on over to key west. Don’t forget to send pictures back home to those suffering the cold weather just to make them feel jealous. They will hate you for it.

That is it, folks. The 5 awesome cities to visit this winter. Is there a city you love let us know. Until next time Happy Travels!!!! Keep up with me the one and only, Mernelle, on my blog here, and more travel posts, here.

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