2016 Goals Check in

Being that my Birthday is in July, and I like doing everything around my birthday. Thought it’s time to do my half year goals check in. Review where I’m at with my goals and make changes and adjustments as needed.

Coming into 2016 I made the decision to be REAL with myself, like really REAL, no BS, just straight honesty. So I made a list of the things I need to focus on. Take a look.

My credit

My business

This blog

Business: I did not know how or where to start since my business was already doing alright. So I setup a Photoshoot and came up with a plan of how I’m going to continue to grow and increase sales.  And yes, I am still on that plan and it’s working pretty well. Not making my goals consistently but sales and traffic are definitely increasing.

Credit: Well, let’s just say I’m failing in that department, but I did hire a credit guy to help out. Now it’s time to start paying the small things off and make payment arrangements for the BIG things.  I am determined not to go into 2017 with BAD credit. Plus, boss babes don’t have bad credit.

This Blog: Well, after taking like 3 breaks from blogging and losing passion, I am back and really enjoying blogging again. But this time around, my focus is a little different. I’m focusing on the reason I started blogging to begin with. I love sharing my looks with the hope of inspiring others to take risk with their personal style and only wear the things their LOVE! Also this time around, I’ve created a map to keep me on track AND I have a blogging schedule so I won’t feel like it’s time consuming or needing to make time to blog, because It’s already on the schedule.

Let me tell YOU, self awareness is POWERFUL, because I am very aware of myself and my needs it has been a lot easier focusing on what and who matters most. This year have been proof that I can do it, I just need to truly bet on myself and focus on the WORK.

No, I have not achieved any of my 2016 goals  yet. But I have made TONS and TONS of progress. And to be honest, as long as I’m learning and growing I’m happy and confident that I will reach ALL of my 2016 goals.


As always, thank you sooooo much for hanging with ME, muahhhh!!

Stay Connected with me on Instagram @iampriiincesss

As I like to say; Be a #BADASS…. Live Well, Work Hard and See the world in Style.

**Live YOUR Best Life**


I’m Priiincesss

I’m Priiincesss I am a full time Atlanta blogger, mommy, wife, investor, fashion lover, your future Self-Made Millionaire and a total badass. Here you will find everything you need to completely transformed your life. Juicing content to help you lose weight and improve your overall health, money and lifestyle content to help you design your absolute dream life!


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