Let’s reset
count down to the new year
2023 is around the corner and we are not waiting until January 1st to start our new year. We are getting a jumpstart with our weight loss goals now. So this 3 day reset weight loss cleanse. You get 4 green juice recipes, 2 detox water recipes, book recommendation and my go to gratitude meditation resource. In 2023 I want us to prioritize our health. We are juicing, reading, meditating and resting. First, let’s get into some of the benefits of GREEN JUICES.
Natural Juice is known to treat a long list of diseases. And adding juicing to your daily diet is a great way to prevent your body from catching diseases and stay on top of your health.
My favorite thing about juicing is immune health. Juicing is one of the easiest ways to get your daily recommended servings of fruits and veggies and boost the immune system.

Not only does juicing gives us all the amazing benefits of eating a whole plate of fruits and veggies, but it can help you jump start weight loss journey.
Natural Juice is digested quickly and easily, allowing us the opportunity to increase our body’s natural digestive efficiencies. With juicing the Digestive system is working a lot less.
are you ready to hit the reset button?
3 days of
just fresh juice
and water.
No solid food
You have 4 recipes to juice within the next 3 days. You can make a different recipe for each day and drink the same juice 3x for the day or make 3 different recipes for the day.
When I’m cleansing I drink a total of 96oz of juice each day. I drink them as meal replacements so I do a 32oz jar for breakfast, 32oz for lunch, and one last 32oz jar for dinner. I also drink at least 64oz of water in between the juices throughout the day.
Of course, feel free to create your own juicing schedule based on your routine and work schedule. Let’s get into the recipes.


“By failing to plan, you
are preparing to fail”.
If using the bottles from the Juicing Tools section above you should consume 6 of the 16oz bottles of juice or 3 of the 32oz mason jar. To be able tp drink minimum 96 oz of juice each day. But of course some people may need more and some people may need less it all depends on your personal needs and how you feel. If you are not hungry, don’t drink. You don’t want to force it. The main goal is to give your digestive system a break so it can start to cleanse and detoxify your body.
I get all of my juicing tools from Amazon and my juicer is from Nama. I buy most of my fruits & veggies from my local farmer’s market and Aldi for some stuff. Only buy seeded fruits/veggies. If it doesn’t have seeds and it suppose to have seeds then it’s a hybrid piece of produce meaning it’s been modified and I don’t suggest consuming it.
• If you are new to juicing you will have some bad cravings. So always have juice around so you never get hungry.
• If you can, do your best to use USDA Organic produce. Yes Organic fruits and veggies are a little more pricey.
• No, you will not heal your body just in 3 days. But you will jumpstart the healing and detoxifying and weight loss journey.
• Take it slow, give yourself grace. Reversing the mental addicting to food takes time and effort and you already took the 1st step.
• If you have symptoms that you normally don’t have, it’s most likely normal detox symptoms. Some people experienced things like headaches, severe cravings, coldness, parasites and mucus purging, etc. I’ve personally experienced headaches when cleansing. Detoxification does come with symptoms and it’s normal.

Again you are not going to solve ALL of your health issues or
drop all the weight in just 3 days. This cleanse is just a jumpstart.
I created a 30 Day Juicing Plan with over 30 recipes to help you continue your juicing journey. Lose weight, boost your immune system, fight inflammation, improve your gut health and start living
a happy healthy life. Click HERE to grab the Juicing plan.
Keep up with me on Instagram @iampriiincesss for anything else email hey@priiincesss.com